Nuclear Physics: Theory And Experiment by Roy, R.R | Nigam, B.P. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1967Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 539.7 ROY/N (8).
The Atomic Bomb: The Great Decision by Baker, Paul.R. Material type: Text Publisher: London The Dryden Press 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 940.5401 BAK/A (1).
Principles of Electromagnetic Fields by Plonsey, Robert | Collin, Robert .E. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 537.1 PLO/P (1).
Solid State Physics by Ashcroft, Neil W | Mermin, David N. Material type: Text Publisher: New York Holt, Rinehart And Winston 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530.41 ASH/S (1).
Thermal Physics by Riedi, P.C. Material type: Text Publisher: New York Macmillan 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 536.7 RIE/T (1).
Atomic And Nuclear Physics by Gopala Krishnan .K. Material type: Text Publisher: Madras Macmillan 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 539.7 KRI/A (3).
Introduction To Solid State Physics by Kittel, Charles. Edition: 5TH ED. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530.41 KIT/I (15). Checked out (1). Damaged (2).
DIALECTICS IN MODERN PHYSICS by OMELYANOVSKY, M.E | . Material type: Text Publisher: MOSCOW PROGRESS PUBLISHERS 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 621.38171 TEX/T (3).
Dialectics In Modern Physics by Omelyanovsky, M.E. Material type: Text Publisher: Moscow Progress Publishers 1979Availability: No items available :
Physics: Part I by Resnick, Robert | Halliday, David. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530 RES/P (6). Damaged (1).
PHYSICS by Halliday, David | Resnick, Robert. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530 HAL/P (5).
Concepts of Modern Physics by Beiser, Arthur. Edition: 2ND ED. Material type: Text Publisher: Tokyo Mcgraw-Hill Kogakusha 1973Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 539 BEI/C (4).
ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS: AN INTRODUCTION by LITTLEFIELD, T A. Edition: 3RD EDITIONMaterial type: Text Publisher: ENGLAND VAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD COMPANY LTD 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 539.7 LIT/A (1).
Digital Principles and Applications by Reif, F. Material type: Text Publisher: New York Mcgraw Hill Book Company 1964Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 621.38153 MAL/D (1).
Statistical Physics by Landau, L. D | Lifshitz, E. M. Edition: 2ND ED. Material type: Text Publisher: Oxford Pergamon Press 1978Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530.13 LAN/S (1).
Mathematical Physics by Gupta, B. D. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Vikas Publishing House 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 530.15 GUP/M (15). Checked out (1). Damaged (1).