Fundamentals of Behavioral Statistics by Runyon Richard, P | Haber, Audrey. Edition: 8 TH ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New York Mcgraw Hill Companies, Inc. 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 519.5 RUN/F (1).
Programming Basic by Balagurusamy, E. Edition: 3RD ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw-Hill 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 005.13 BAL/P (1).
Genetics: Schaum'S Outline of Theory And Problems by Stanfield, William .D. Edition: 3RD ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New York Mcgraw Hill Publication 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 575 STA/G (1).
Microbiology by Lim, Daniel. Edition: 2ND ED. Material type: Text Publisher: Boston Wcb/Mcgraw-Hill 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 576 LIM/M (1).
Text Book of Algae by Sharma, O.P. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Limited 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 579.8 SHA/T (4).
Object Oriented Programming With C++ by Balaguruswamy E. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Mcgraw Hill 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 001.6424 BAL/O (9).
Programming In Ansi C by Balaguruswamy E. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Mcgraw Hill 19889Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 001.64 BAL/P (4).
Financial Management: Theory And Practice by Chandra,Prasanna. Edition: 4TH ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 658.15 CHA/F (2).
Personnel Management by Flippo, Edwin B. Edition: 6TH ED. Material type: Text Publisher: New York Mcgraw-Hill 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 658.3 FLI/P (3).
Econometric Methods by Johnston, Jack | Dinardo, John. Edition: 4TH ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New York Mcgraw-Hill Book Company 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 330.015195 JOH/E (4).
Probability, Statistics And Random Processes by Veerarajan, T. Edition: 2ND ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Mcgraw-Hill Book Company 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 519.1 VEE/P (2).
Programming In Ansi C by Balagurusamy, E. Edition: 3RD ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 001.64 BAL/P (8).
E Commerce by Bajaj K Kamlesh. Material type: Text Publisher: Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 658.872 BAJ/E (1).
Investment analysis and portfolio management by Chandra, Prasanna. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Mcgraw Hill 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 332.632042 CHA/I (1).
Financial Management by Khan, M.Y | Jain, P.K. Edition: 4 TH ED.Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd. 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 658.1508 KHA/F (1).
Financial Services by Khan, M. Y. Edition: 6th EdMaterial type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 332.10954 KHA/F (5).
Project Managemnet by Choudhury .S. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill Education 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 658.404 CHO/P (2).