Your search returned 59 results.

Essence of the Bhagavad Gita : a contemporary guide to yoga, meditation, and Indian philosophy

by Easwaran, Eknath.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 294.5924 EAS/E (1).

Classic Tales from Mystic India

by Kapur, Kamla K.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 294.309 KAP/C (1).

Great game east : India, China, and the struggle for Asia's most volatile frontier

by Lintner, Bertil.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 327.54 LIN/G (1).

Powershift : knowledge, wealth, and violence at the edge of the 21st century

by Toffler, Alvin.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 303.4 TOF/P (2).

Krishna, the man and his philosophy

by Osho.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 299.93 OSH/K (1).

Myths and Legends of India Vol.1

by Radice, William.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 398.20954 RAD/M (1).

Devlok with Devdutt Pattanaik

by Pattanaik, Devdutt.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 294.513 PAT/D (1).

The Epic of Ram vol.1

by Tulsidas.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for reference: Govt Brennen College Central Library Not for loanCall number: 297.122 TUL/T (1). :

The Tibetan Book of Meditation

by McNally, Christie.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 294.34435 MCN/T (1).

Mr and Mrs Jinnah : the marriage that shook India

by Sheela Reddy.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 954.9042092 SHE/M (1).

Jawaharlal Nehru : civilizing a savage world

by Sahgal, Nayantara.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 954.0420924 SAH/J (1).

What if this id Heaven?

by Moorjani, Anita.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 809.9337 MOO/W (1).

The Path of Light

by Narayanan, Renuka.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 809.9337 NAR/T (1).

How can I forgive you? : the courage to forgive, the freedom not to

by Spring, Janis Abrahms.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 179.9 SPR/H (1).



Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 809.9145 FUR/R (1). Items available for reference: Govt Brennen College Central Library Not for loanCall number: 809.9145 FER/R (1).

The Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism

by Garrard, Greg.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 809.9335 GAR/O (1).

A history of prejudice : race, caste, and difference in India and the United States

by Pandey, Gyanendra.

Edition: 1st Ed.Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 305.800973 PAN/A (1).

ndigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India: Claims, Histories, Meanings

by Parmar, Pooja.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 342.54872 PAR/I (1).

People Without History: India`s Muslim Ghettos

by Seabrook, Jeremy & Imran Ahmed Siddiqui.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 305.6970954147 SEA/P (1).

Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 811.4 LON/P (2).

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