The Theory Of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Cosmo 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 170 SMI/T (2).
The Cambrige Companion To Husserl by Smith, Barry. Material type: Text Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 193 SMI/H (1).
Chomsky: Ideas And Idealism by Smith, Neil. Edition: 2ND ED.Material type: Text Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central Library (1).
Mark Twain : A Collection of Critical Essays by Smith, Henry Nash. Material type: Text Publisher: New Jersey Oxford University Press 1963Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 818.4 SMI/M (1).
Chomsky: Ideas And Ideals by Smith, Neil. Material type: Text Publisher: Cambridge Oxford University Press 1999Availability: No items available :
Culture : Reinventing The Social Sciences by Smith, Mark J. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 306 SMI/C (1).
A Study of Wordsworth by Smith, J. C. Material type: Text Publisher: London Cambridge University Press 1955Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 821.7 SMI/S (1).
Talking of Jane Austen by Kaye-Smith, Sheila. Edition: 3RD ED. Material type: Text Publisher: London University Tutorial Press 1947Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 823.74 KAY/T (1).
The English Language by Smith, Logan Pearsall. Edition: 2ND ED. Material type: Text Publisher: London Penguin Books 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 420 SMI/E (3).
Cowper by Smith, Goldwin. Material type: Text Publisher: London Surjeet Publications 1881Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 821.6 SMI/C (1).
Movements In Art Since 1945 by Lucie-Smith, Edward. Material type: Text Publisher: London Heinemann 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 709.045 LUC/M (1).
Mark Twain : A Collection of Critical Essays by Smith, Henry Nash. Material type: Text Publisher: London Ernest Benn 1963Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 818.4 SMI/M (1).
Queues by Cox, D R Smith, Walter L. Material type: Text Publisher: London Methuen & co. Ltd 1961Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 519 COX/Q (1).
THE LAWS OF MANU by DONIGER, WENDY | SMITH, BRAIN K. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI PENGUIN BOOKS 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 294.5926 DON/L (1).
International relations theories : discipline and diversity by Dunne, Timothy, ; Dunne, Timothy,; Kurki, Milja; Smith, Steve | Kurki, Milja. Edition: 3rdMaterial type: Text Publisher: UK Oxford 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 327.101 DUN/I (1).