How To Build A Better Vocabulary by Nurnberg, Maxwell. Material type: Text Publisher: Delhi Harpercollins Publishers 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 428.3 NUR/H (1).
A Short History of English Literature by Pramod K. Nayar. Material type: Text Publisher: Bangalore Harpercollins Publishers 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 820.9 PRA/S (1). Checked out (1).
The Power And The Glory by Greene, Graham. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 823.912 GRE/P (1).
An Equal Music by Seth, Vikram. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Harpercollins Publishers 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 823 SET/E (1).
In The Sea There Are Crocodiles by Geda, Fabio. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 853.92 GED/I (1).
History And Principles of Literary Criticism by Tilak, Raghukul. Edition: 26TH ED. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Harpercollins Publishers 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 801.95 TIL/H (1).
Oppression and liberty by Weil, Simone. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 335 WEI/O (2).
Research Methodology : Methods And Techniques by Kothari, C. R. Edition: 2ND ED. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Harpercollins Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 001.42 KOT/R (2).
Writing For Children by Clark, Margaret. Edition: 2ND ED.Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 808.068 CLA/W (1).
The Sixteen Satires by Juvenal. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 877.01 JUV/S (1).
The Coffer Dams by Markandaya, Kamala. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi Harpercollins Publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 823 MAR/C (1).
Psychology And The East by Jung, C. G. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 150.1954 JUN/P (1).
Step Across This Line by Rushdie, Salman. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 824.914 RUS/S (1).
Identity by Kundera, Milan. Material type: Text Publisher: London Harpercollins Publishers 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 891.86 KUN/I (1).
Beyond the call of duty by Raghuthaman,V | Veena Prasad. Material type: Text Publisher: India HarperCollins publishers 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 954.030922 RAG/B (1).
The feast of roses by Sundaresan, Indu. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi HarperCollins Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 813.6 SUN/F (1).
Home boy by Naqvi, H M. Material type: Text Publisher: New Delhi HarperCollins publishers India 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 813.6 NAQ/H (1).
Light on yoga by Iyengar, B K S. Material type: Text Publisher: India HarperCollins Publishers 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Govt Brennen College Central LibraryCall number: 613.7046 IYE/L (1).